
Geometry Nodes - Blender 3.0 ( Introduction for Beginners) + Project Files

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Geometry Nodes - Blender 3.0 ( Introduction for Beginners) + Project Files

42 ratings

This is a Resource ( Blender Files ) collection of Geometry Nodes Chapters + Project Files from Introduction series by Crossmind Studio. This is an ongoing series and more chapters and files will be added as the series progresses.

The Price may vary when more chapters project files are added later on,
Which would not affect any existing purchases, and no additional charge will be required if you have already purchased this. Future updates will be free of cost.

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CrossMind Studio - YouTube

About This Series

Nodes are powerful, every major 3D program either already have a strong node based procedural workflow, or is adapting to it. Blender's Everything Node projects first installment is Geometry Nodes. Which is still at a very early stage of development, but can make life easier even with limited number of nodes we have a this moment. It's fun, It changes the way we used to make environments, procedural effects, scatter things around. And not just that, with upcoming modifiers and many more nodes being added to it, its going to get even more powerful. So while the development of Geometry Nodes will go on for quite some time, its better we do some catching up, and start adapting to the new workflow. This first part of Geometry Nodes series is for absolute beginners, Like, literally basics and no tricks or advance setups, This is for those who are starting with nodes and geometry nodes workflow for the first times. Well, Lets agree, it looks darn scary when you look at those big node maps, but once you understand it, you will never go back to old methods. We will start with creating absolute basic things , without touching the spreadsheet or attributes first. Main goal here is to get comfortable with nodes, know its meaning and uses, why it is better than old methods. Understanding the node based interface, adding nodes, connecting nodes, short keys, organizing nodes, making simple node groups etc. will be our first priority, from there on we will work towards using simple math in nodes, applying materials, using node groups, simple point instancing, Wiring parameters ,creating your first node based animation which you can apply to any other object with single click and it will give you exact same results. By the end of this short series you should have this animation with you, or even better example. And then we can get into a bit of rendering and lighting of this intro sequence. Enough talk now, So lets get started and get our hands on Geometry Nodes already, and i will try to make it as easy as it could get, because honestly , I hate spreadsheets and math's as well, But there are always ways to find methods of learning. Lets figure it out together. I will be adding new chapters in this playlist, to save this playlist for future updates.

Project Files

The Project Files include the node networks to follow along the tutorial series, all the setups including, lighting+ camera+ shaders and render setups which were used to render final sequences. The Intro sequence will be added later when discussed and if you get this now, you will get the updates without having to pay anything extra.

Added project files from Chapter 7 - INSTANCES

Added project files from Chapter 8 - CURVES

Added project files from Chapter 9 - Geometry Proximity

UPDATE (10 Mar 2022)
Added project files from Chapter 10 - Raycast

UPDATE (9 Apr 2022)
Added project files from Extrude Examples

Surface Formation with Extrude Materials


Just adding files from chapter 11 ( Making landscape with attributes)
Blender version 3.1 and above

UPDATE 29 Nov 2022

Adding files from chapter 12 ( Motion Graphics Basics Cafe Construction)
Blender version 3.3 and above


Adding files from 3D slice type design chapter
Blender version 3.3 and above

UPDATE Jan 2023

Adding files from chapter 14 ( Procedural Tree Generator)
Blender version 3.4 and above

Technical Specification

Blender Version Used for project files -  3.0+ ( version also mentioned in update section, check full description)

Link to Blender Build


choose your OS


Specs used to render the sequences
Windows 10
Dual Xeon silver 4114 2.2 GHz ( 2 processors 20 cores)
Quadro P 4000 GPU - 8GB
64 GB 2400 Mhz DDR 4


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Blender Geometry Nodes - Introduction for Beginners ( Project Files)

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